His release Dedicated To You: Kurt Elling Sings The Music Of Coltrane And Hartman eloquently covers the great tunes of John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman in a way that automatically demands a GRAMMY nod. With the voice in jazz, it's still not yet complete without that crisp, cool class of a voice like that of Kurt Elling. No Regrets is a release that combines, once again, the commanding and captivating voice of Crawford along with the unmistakably recognizable style of Sample. Randy Crawford has represented such an instrument superbly for many years, and has done stellar work with piano virtuouso Joe Sample on various occasions. Jazz is not jazz without the most organic jazz instrument of all, the human voice. Returning once again to the nominee circle with his Big Neighborhood release, he brings not only familiarity of his own jazz offerings, but nicely mixes blues, funk and shades of rock in his latest release.

Mike Stern is no stranger as a nominee in the Best Contemporary Jazz Album category.

The tracks on Urbanus offer musical stylings that satisfy even the young, neophyte jazz listener and still capture the traditional offerings best liked by the most discerning longtime listener. The young lion Stefon Harris and his group Blackout bridge the gap between classical and contemporary jazz stylings in a way that some may call unconventional, yet captivating. There is a color of jazz on this wonderful palette for every jazz listener.

As we near the airing of the 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards, those nominated in the Jazz Field have provided fans with an exciting array of great jazz music.